Wednesday 13 April 2011

MOJO Magazine Analysis

When looking at the key elements of the magazine i found:

The headline is behind the text meaning the magazine must be well known because it’s risky to hide the headline of a new magazine because people won’t be as aware of it.

The colour scheme is white, yellow and black. Which stand out a lot from the background, the yellow and white helps highlight the headline and then the description.

The band is looking into the camera lense which could attract the eyes of the customer and help them influence to buy the magazine.

With the background being black and white, it helps emphasise the text. The picture isn’t coloured which is unusual and doesn’t happen often but this way the readers attention will mainly be on the headlines. With the picture also being black and white it gives the impression that the band is an old band giving them a more vintage look.

Also the promotional offer in the top left hand corner and bottom left hand corner can influence a reader to buy the magazine, because its a free incentive. 

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